Monday 13 February 2012


Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Namaste

Welcome to our English class blog.  Each week I will put up a new post containing a writing topic or homework assignment for the week.  You will have one week to complete it.  New assignments will be online here each Tuesday.

By Tuesday 28 February you need to have set up a blog and sent me the link - do this by commenting on this post.  Once you have sent me the link, I will put it on 
this page so that you can access each others blogs.  Try following one another's blogs and write comments on each others posts that will be made in the following weeks.
You also need to put a picture on your profile.

Other programmes / websites you might want to have a look at which will help enhance your blog experience (reading, writing and editing) are:
Windows Live Writer - you can search for this, it is a free downloadable programme which is easier to sort out the layout of your page when you are posting.
Picasa - this is also a free downloadable programme - it makes it really easy to edit photos.
Bloglovin' - this is an internet site where you can manage the blogs you follow - you can mark posts as read,  like posts and see how popular blogs are against all the other blogs that members of the site follow.

Miss Tupaea


  1. Noahs Home learning

    Hi miss heres my home learning 

    Last book read:the last book i read and am still reading is book 7 of the demmonata 
    Favourite website:well i actually have two favourite websites
    1.aqw (adventure quest Worlds)
    Pets:i dont have any pets 
    Hobbies: reading wrighting stories
    Favourite colour: black and yellow
    Last movie you saw:kung fu panda 2
    Favourite singer:my favourite band is creed
    Favourite subject: wood tech
